POWELTEC laboratory equipments and methods have been optimized within an internal R&D activity. Basically, the design of a POWELTEC treatment (WSO, CC, SC) or of a Polymer Flood pilot requires the optimization of the formulation via bulk tests and the evaluation of the actual performances in the reservoir via core-flood experiments.
Bulk tests:
A range of laboratory equipment is available to check polymer/gel solution properties and stability under reservoir conditions (rheometers, analyzers, glove box)
The second phase of the laboratory study consists of coreflood experiments to determine polymer properties in the reservoir conditions. This requires having specific coreflood equipment dedicated to polymer and chemical EOR. The coreflood program aims at delivering the full polymer performance data set which will be used further on in the reservoir simulations.
Core-flood equipment
Seven core-flood set-ups can be used to perform flow experiments in actual reservoir conditions (up to 150°C). Polymer performance is checked by its selective effect on water/oil or water/gas permeability. Mobility/Permeability reduction can be determined in a broad range of injection rates.
The set-up enables measurement of dynamic polymer adsorption and Inaccessible Pore Volume (IPV).

Simulation ( PumaFlowTM )
The integrated simulation service offered by Poweltec is aimed to the design of Water Shut-Off, Conformance treatments and Polymer flood projects. Based on reservoir simulation studies, this work consists on the following steps.
Data collection & analysis: All the concepts and information coming from seismic, geology and reservoir engineering is integrated in the model.
Model construction: Physical concepts have to represent at best the rock and fluid behavior as well as their interaction.
History matching/Pattern behavior: Once the flow simulation has been built, a first objective is to reproduce the production history. Keeping the model consistent with the geological interpretation and matching the observed well dynamic data will be the conditions for validating the model.
Simulation of polymer injection scenarios: The modeling allows targeting different products, layers and volumes to be injected. Allows appreciating treatments impacts and sensitivities at a large scale.
Best scenario and product specification: Giving the best production result and fixing water and/or conformance problem.
Simulation update with lab coreflood inputs: Matching the model with real core data measured to ensure consistency with the large scale well simulations.
Pilot / Treatment design

Operation design / Field Assistance
POWELTEC team has an experience of more than 100 field trials performed in very different environments (onshore/offshore, oil/gas wells, light/heavy oil, vertical/horizontal wells, etc.) and can thus provide a full design of operations, i.e. product selection and delivery, definition of surface handling facilities, operational program, on-site assistance (quality control measurements for the solutions prepared in the field & support to the operation manager).
WSO treatments using RPM polymers do not require mechanical tools for placement and are thus very cost-effective. However, a careful control of the quality of the solutions pumped downhole is mandatory to avoid any risk of well plugging. Concerning Polymer Flood project, the main risk of failure lies often in the poor control of polymer dissolution and handling units. POWELTEC experts can assist the company in equipment selection and pilot start-up to avoid unexpected operational problems.
Poweltec can provide expertise to the companies under different forms:
Training on IOR/EOR given by international expert
Inquiries, literature survey on specific topics such as state-of-the-art on polymer EOR products,
Evaluation of services or products provided by different sources to the client
Advisor on EOR projects
Poweltec independency enables performing this expertise without any commitment with manufacturing or service companies.
Different families of products with low environmental impact have been designed for both Water Shut-Off & Conformance Control:
Delayed gel tailored to fit a broad range of reservoir conditions. Gel consistency can be adjusted from RPM (weak) gel to blocking (strong) gel.
Size-controlled microgel specifically designed to penetrate deeply in the reservoir and selectively reduce water relative permeability vs oil or gas relative permeability (RPM products). Microgels withstand high salinity, severe shearing, high temperature and aggressive compounds (H2S).
Bio-sourced thermo-thickening polymers designed to gel at a given temperature. Sealant gel for zone isolation and in-depth conformance control.
The products are environmentally friendly. They can be used up to 150°C and 200 g/L TDS salinity. For further details, refer to technical sheets.